Dulcie Alison Anna Elford
By Layzell Funeral Services
Monday, 5th September 2022 | Death Notices

ELFORD – DULCIE ALISON ANNA. Died peacefully at home on 27th August 2022, aged 94 years.
Loving wife of the late 'Bert', mother to Philip & Christine, nan to Melanie, Stuart, Stephen & Katie and great nan to Freddie, Alfie, Malaki & Nova.
Funeral service at East Devon Crematorium on Tuesday 13th September at 11.30 a.m.
Family flowers only, but donations if desired to British Heart Foundation at the service, online at www.layzellfuneralservices.co.uk under Dulcie's announcement page or c/o Layzell Funeral Services, The Old Court, Dowell Street, Honiton, EX14 1LZ.
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