Honiton Carers Support group Cuppa & Chat
The Kitchen at Combe Garden Centre
16th Jun 2021 - 2nd Mar 2030
UNTIL Saturday 2nd March

Honiton Carers support all Unpaid Carers in Honiton and surrounding villages.
We meet indoors at The Kitchen at Combe Garden Centre on each 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday of every month. All carers and their loved ones are welcome at these socials - no need to book, just come along.
We also meet at the Honiton Methodist church on 2nd Wednesday of every month where we have various speakers and activities.
On 4th Wednesday of each month we have Arts & Crafts which needs to be booked in advance . Both these sessions are for carers only. For further details please contact Winnie on 07974 636926 or email [email protected].Share: