Joyride (15)
The Beehive, Dowell Street, Honiton EX14 1LZ
UNTIL Saturday 17th September

Olivia Colman stars in this astounding new British drama. Joy (Olivia Colman) and Mully (Charlie Reid) are two lovable rogues. Joy is angry – she's got a baby, and motherhood does not come naturally to her; she feels she's tossed her dreams aside to give a screeching monster unconditional love. And, if she's honest, when she looks in the mirror she sees the shadow of her neglectful mother.
Twelve-year-old Mully also has a mum-shaped void in his life and a conman dad. But Mully's got balls; he knicks his dad's stash of cash and steals a taxi in a bid for freedom. But, there's an almighty yell from the back seat. It's Joy – hungover, freaking out, and holding a baby! As they tear up the road on their riotous misadventure, we follow these roguish 'outlaws' searching for their dreams in this feel-good, foul-mouthed fairy-tale.
"It's a wacky, lark-filled road movie that's "feelgood" to its core." - The Times