What's On in Honiton this weekend

What's On in Honiton this weekend
Every Thursday we bring you our top picks of events in Honiton happening over the coming weekend.
Browse our What's On section or read on for events happening in Honiton over the next few days.
And remember – you can add your event for FREE using the 'Nub It' button.
Events coming up in Honiton
Saturday 8 October: Fisherman's Friends: One and All
The Beehive, Honiton.
7.30pm – 9.30pm. Tickets: Adults £7.50, U16 £6.50. The bar is open before the film starts and you're welcome to bring your drinks into the film.
Directed by Meg Leonard and Nick Moorcroft and staring James Purefoy, Fiona Button and Richard Harrington. Fame is never plain sailing! Fisherman Friends: One and All follows the success of the first album. Come and enjoy the next instalment of the Fisherman's Friends amazing and uplifting true story.
Friday 7 October: Camera Club Meeting
Honiton Methodist Church, Chapel Street (off New Street) Honiton, EX14 1EU
The meeting starts at 7.30 pm. Refreshments will be available. New members and visitors (£3) welcome to attend.
Friday is Competition Night! This is the first club competition of the season. Members have submitted images on the following subjects: colour prints – 'Playing to Win'; mono prints – 'Light and Shade'; DPIs – 'Looking Through', plus Open entries. Judging will be by Nigel West.
Friday 7 October: Howerd's End
The Beehive, Honiton. Tickets £16 General Admission, £13 for a student.
Come along to The Beehive to see a new play about one of the greatest comics, Frankie Howerd.
Frankie Howerd was one of Britain's most loved comedians for half a century. But he had a secret. And the secret's name was Dennis.
This brand-new play by Mark Farrelly (Quentin Crisp: Naked Hope) takes you to the heart of Frankie and Dennis' clandestine relationship, which lasted from the 1950s until Frankie's death in 1992. This play received fantastic reviews and is well worth seeing.
For more local events, click here to go to our What's On page!