Woz On - Vandalism, fancy dress and the Coronavirus

By The Editor

17th Sep 2021 | Opinion

Well as I said a couple of weeks back, this here Corona thing ain't going away and as I'm sure you all know it has escalated somewhat.

I guess we will all be spending a bit more time at home over the next few months. The England Italy game as you know is off and I fear the game won't be played any time soon.

I'm wondering if all this won't soon get down to "grass roots" level and will mean Ton games get called off, we shall see. Not sure about you but I'm getting pretty good at hand washing now and I'm a dab hand at opening doors without using the handles.

On to the controversial town meeting, I wasn't there but given some of the comments I've had from some eminently sensible people who went along out of curiosity, they said they left opened mouthed and were frankly shocked by some of the antics, comments and behaviour of some of the councillors.

Not a good advert for what is essentially a great town and no wonder our local politics is struggling. What to do is the question?

On to more cheerier things and last weekend's rugby, what a win for the firsts! They were supposed to lose after the cuffing Kingsbridge gave us at their place but their trip up here was frankly a cuffing the other way.

We absolutely demolished them at scrum time and the boys produced the best performance of the season to send 'em packing. This surprise win means our league situation looks way healthier now but we are not out of the woods yet.

The Otters entertained Exmouth as well and a similar thing happened, we got cuffed at their shed but they come to ours and we beat them convincingly.

Hurrah! Fact is we hardly every beat them at all, so another good result on the day. There was a few of the players' sponsors present at lunch and Ally and the gang done 'em proud with grub.

It was a busy old day for her, her helpers and the bar crews, as it was a double home, a lunch and a social as well. So big hurrah to them.

So after the on field antics we adjourned to the bar to watch England beat the Taffies.

I know the score was close in the end but really we never looked like losing. What about Joe Marler's tweak! Obviously a very silly thing to do given he is a role model to youngsters and I guess in these modern times you just can't mess about any more.

I'm sure half the people would have just seen it as funny and the other half will have taken great offence and are demanding his head on a plate. I leave it to you to decide which of the two camps you are in.

So, internationals over, another win and on to the social with lots of 'rock' fancy dress characters about.

The band was good, beer flowed and a good night was had by all and there was a bit of mosh pitting as well. In fact, I'd say it was a great social with a good atmosphere and a chance to bop around. Big hand to Cavey and chums for organising it. Must have been good, I had a thick head in the morning.

The pitches held up pretty well on Saturday but overnight we had a fair amount of precipitation again which was annoying but we took a risk and we went ahead with the six junior home games.

For all who played, it was tough conditions to say the least and all were very muddy indeed afterwards. I'll mention the Diamond's (under 8's) side who went to Topsham, they played three, they won two and drew one and I mention them because in true rugby sprit, they lent their opponents players in the drawn game.

Back at the fortress and picking out one side, the Warriors (under 14's) won 40-7, which was a great win but my oh my, was it challenging conditions. Still rugby was 'played by the many', had to have a bit of a discussion with my council chums on Monday but hey ho.

Only down side to a great weekend was the fact I had to hastily sort out the top changing room doors with a temporary handle as our mindless Allhallows oiks, kicked the locks off again.

I think that's the fourth time this year. If any of you would like to hide in the changing rooms on say, a Thursday or Friday night, I've got a pink rabbit suit you could wear and when you hear them starting on the doors again, you could jump out and give them a talking to.

An alternative idea I know, but no one seems to do anything about this continued mindless vandalism. You almost get the impression now-a-days there is no point reporting anything to the police as nothing ever happens. No, not fully true, as you do get a crime number and an offer of emotional support!

So to this week, there is no Ones game as we have now caught up with our backlog of games. The twos go up to Bideford to play one of their rearranged games and it's also a bit quiet on Sunday with no action at the Ton as well. The 13's and 12's have the only games now as the 8's festival has been cancelled. Our teams go to Topsham and Wiveliscombe respectfully.

So.. that's about it for this week, keep safe, no hand shaking or snoggin and start digging your bunker in the garden. Oh and stop buying all the pasta, you spoilt my evening menu the other night!



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