Planet Sal
Posted: Monday, 18th May 2020 1:51 pm

Hello everyone,
I so hope you are all keeping well and managing these strange times OK in your own, individual ways.
The card designers have been really busy with all this time on their hands, so I will have lots of newness arriving in the weeks after I am allowed to reopen.
Fingers crossed it will be the first week of June!
I have missed the shop so much and all your lovely faces.
The dreaded social distancing will be still very important, I am afraid. I have ordered the precautionary equipment to help us all stay safe, but a bit of patience may be needed while I get used to it all!
I will keep you updated and don't forget Dad on Father's Day, June 21st.
Honiton has some great indies and our community spirit is brilliant. We'll get there! Xx